Norway replaced Denmark replaced happy country in the world in a report published Monday, March 20 / March 2017, and called on States to strengthen the social safety net and equality to increase the welfare of its citizens.
According to the Global Report of happiness for 2017 issued by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an initiative launched by the UN in 2012, the Scandinavian countries are Assaad.
The report also pointed out that sub-Saharan Africa, Syria and Yemen are the most unhappy states fared among the 155 countries included in the fifth annual report, which was announced at the United Nations.
Said Jeffrey Sachs, director of the network and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations in an interview "Happy countries are those where there is a healthy balance between prosperity, according to traditional measurements, and social capital, which means a high degree of confidence in the society and the decline in inequality and trust in government."
The report aims to provide a new tool for governments, businesses and civil society to help their country in finding the best way of luxury.
After Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, the Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden came in the top ten in the standings.
The southern Sudan, Liberia, Guinea, Togo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, the Central African Republic in recent centers.
The United States fell for the fourteenth center. Sachs said that the reason for this is corruption and lack of equality and trust. He added that the economic measures that the president is trying to Donald Trump to take management will make things worse.
The ranking is based on six factors: per capita GDP, life, liberty, and the generosity of the state with its citizens and social support and the absence of corruption in government or business.
Sachs said he would like to follow all the nations of the world the example of the United Arab Emirates and other countries that appointed the minister of happiness.
He continued, "I want the government to measure (happiness) and discuss, analyze and understand the reasons for the decline
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